As the Phillies go, so goes Health Care: Lessons on how to fix our Broken System
New Aging Partnership Blog
Our current blog draws an analogy between “Big Baseball” and “Big Health.”
As we approach our first anniversary, New Aging Partnership has been sharpening our Mission, Goals and Objectives, and defining specific targets for our intervention.
We have reached an important milestone through our discovery of the intricacies surrounding the “Caregiving Crisis.” Make no mistake, we are in a crisis situation.
Perhaps recent political events have overshadowed concerns about caregiving and its connection with health care, and particularly, the unregulated expansion of home health care delivery. But, nevertheless, concerns are growing!
The secret that has been well kept is that the glue that holds this supposed cost-effective, value-based, transformation in health care is the Family Caregiver and often the Reluctant Family Caregiver.
New Aging Partnership is still ready and eager to advocate for health care reform, real reform; but in the interim, we need to take actions to improve the delivery of home health and in so doing, relieve family caregivers of some excess burden.
And this depends upon a health care workforce that is prepared to meet new requirements and new role expectations.
The current blog, entitled, “How the Phillies Go, So Goes Health Care” provides a road map to achievement of this objective.
We have modified our Goals and Objectives as stated in our website to reflect this focus and recommend that you read the new narrative in order to better understand our current direction.
And then join us!